Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday and a great year! I was actually planning to post this before the year ended as my Year End Review, but I wasn’t pleased with the tone of it. To be honest, I sounded like a bit of a Debbie Downer! So instead I decided to just share my goals for 2019. My first goal is actually one of the reasons why I chose to go a different route with this post. Keep reading to see what it is and others!
Break up with bad habits!
The first of my 2019 goals is a crucial one! Have to break all my bad habits! No dwelling on negative things from the past, especially things out of your control. Instead, remind yourself of the great things that happened. I saw somewhere that a couple created a Bless Box, and filled it with all the positive things and things they were blessed with over the year. At the end of the year, they read all the cards inside to show how blessed they truly were.
Other habits I need to kick to the curb are bottling my emotions in for too long, over-criticizing myself, no procrastinating, comparing your achievements to others, listen and stop being so hard-headed. Nate would so approve of the last one! lol
Create a healthy mental space.
This is also a big item for my 2019 goals. Meditation and therapy. I’ve been saying for a while that I wanted to start back therapy. It’s just easier for me to talk to a stranger about how I feel instead of a loved one or friend. For one, I don’t want to burden them with my problems, sometimes they may not have the mental space to deal with it. They’re my problems, not theirs. Two, sometimes people just don’t get it and trying to explain it and them not understanding how you feel or how to respond can be a little frustrating, so I’ll save it for the professionals.
I want to be mindful of my anxiety and learn to work with it better than working against it. A lot of my goals will center around this one, I think most of my anxiety is centered around how unorganized and cluttered everything is in my life and it’s time to clean up so I can breathe!
Tackle time management.
Knowing when to plan and when to wing it. Time management has NEVER been my strong point. And thanks to my worst bad habit, procrastination, I am always rushing to do everything. So, I bought a fancy planner, and yes, I actually plan on using it. I really want to create a better routine of my day to day tasks for work, blog, and personal time. In a perfect world, If I could get all my work done ahead of schedule without overwhelming myself, that would be awesome. I would love to have more time to read, start a new hobby, or whatever!
Be more present.
This ties back into time management. If I can figure out the right routine for me, I can cut down on my workload for the week. I am really striving for less screen time! Unfortunately, blogging and my full-time require lots of screen time. But if I can cut it down some, I’d be happy with that. Spend more time with family and friends.
I am really proud of myself though that when I am out with friends and family, I usually don’t touch my phone much, because I want to give them my full attention. The only thing is, sometimes I miss out on sharing all of my fun vacation trips and outings because I don’t want to miss actually living in the moment instead of filming it.
Log off and log out!
Repeat after me! It is ok to take a REAL lazy day every once in a while, and not feel bad about it! Rest your mind, relax, and recharge. Sometimes, I think I make myself feel like I don’t deserve time off. I tell myself you haven’t done enough to be tired for a day off. I’m learning when I don’t have the ambition to do something or I can’t get my creative juices flowing, log off! Try again tomorrow!
Be kind to myself!
This ties in with breaking the bad habit of over-criticizing myself and comparing my achievements to others. I will say I have gotten a lot better, but still need a little work here and there. When I shoot for my makeup tutorials or outfit looks, I am highly critical of myself. A lot of images and videos have never been posted because I hated the way I looked in it or it just did not turn out the way I wanted. The latter end of this past year I really took a stand on ending the toxic relationship I had with myself and learning to be kinder to myself. Self-love, being comfortable in my own skin, and being fearless is definitely a goal I think everyone should learn to reach!
Be kind to my body!
You only get one, take care of it! But also, don’t go overboard and not live life to the fullest. Do the necessary but don’t become over-consumed with every health scare out there. But, I am
Explore more.
Go find inspiration and network more! Most of the time I’m at home. Like I never go anywhere. Mainly because we live in the middle of nowhere and far from civilization. It’s hard to get in the mood to go anywhere during the week after my full-time, and the weekends are when I usually cram most of my blog work in. So, it’s tough, but I really need to make time for these things. I would love to go to the events I get invited to all the time to meet other bloggers in Atlanta, go to screenings and all the cool museum exhibits.
Conquer my to-do list!
Finish that never-ending to-do list once and for all! There are so many items on the list and I’ve started on some but have not completed any. I really need to reevaluate the list and prioritize their order, and complete one at a time. Then maybe I can actually get some sleep instead of laying in bed remember all the tasks that I need to complete!
Be more organized and tidy.
It’s bad when you feel claustrophobic in your own home! The house isn’t junky but a lot of things don’t have a permanent home since we’ve moved in. They just were put somewhere so the house won’t look junky but that’s not really where it needs to go. I want to find the right storage for every, clean and catalog my closest so I can have some peace of mind!
Not only does the house need organizing, so does the blog. If you’ve noticed, I’ve been rebranding and giving the site a facelift. Unfortunately, it’s taking way longer to finish than I was expecting. I want to make sure Pumps and Pouts is more organized, running efficiently, and looking amazing.
Turn ideas into reality.
Another large checkbox for my 2019 goals is really turning ideas into reality. There are so many small ventures I’ve wanted to start or ideas I wanted to try but have either been too afraid to or have no time to do it. This year, I’m going to make the time and get over my fears! So I’m just going to jump off a cliff, spread my wings, and give it a try! I don’t want to go into too much detail yet what they are, but you will be hearing more about it very soon! 😉
Hit reset.
I want to go back to why I started blogging in the first place. Sometimes I feel like I’ve lost sight of this and sometimes it’s not as fun as it used to be. I take myself and this too seriously. Not that it’s not a serious business, but it’s also supposed to be fun! It was my escape, I shouldn’t feel like I want to escape from doing it! And I hate to sound ungrateful because I’ve worked with some amazing brands, but some expect you to do too much for too little. So you will definitely see more of my own personal content as much as sponsored. And I am going to start enforcing working with brands that align better with my work ethic and value my work. I feel I need a good balance.
Also, I really want to spend time working on my Youtube channel. I had fallen off from working on it completely after some discouraging filming sessions. So, I’m really going to push myself to get it back on track. And I also want to interact and engage more with everyone on Instagram. Becoming a little more personable and being my true authentic self.
Overall, I just want to have an amazing year and get things done! I would love to complete them all and not roll any over into 2020, but realistically if I could complete 75% of these, I’d be good with that too! Above is a Spotify playlist that gets me in the mood for kicking major butt this year and achieving my goals. (FYI some songs have a lot of cursing, not for the kiddies!) What are the 2019 goals that you set for yourself? Have some of the same as mine? Let me know in the comments below!
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