Editor's Note
My 2019 Personal and Blog Goals!
Better late than never! Our Engagement Session
Well, we are less than 3 months away from our big day, and we finally got our engagement photos done. lol Better late than never, right! I would like to send an extra special thank you to our fabulous photographer Hellen of Hellen Oliveira Photography for capturing...
Getting back to work + Ankit
My office is slowly but surely coming together. I can finally fit all of photo and lighting equipment, plus my sewing stuff in one room and it not look so cluttered! Trying to make sure I get just as much functionality as I do with appearance and...
Wedding Inspiration and Planning News!
Ok! Now that the house is done, we can get back to important business. WEDDING PLANNING! I'm excited, nervous, happy, anxious, and stressed all at the same time. The last time we spoke of wedding news, we were planning on getting married in The Redwood Forest in...
Well, hello there!
Long time no see! I know I keep making these disappearing acts, but at least this time around, there was no rebranding involved. Just been a lot going on with the new house, work, and more. So, what have I been up to lately? Well as you...
My 2016 Year End Review
I literally can't believe this year is over. It was just the beginning of the year, then I blinked. lol So much happened in what seems to be such a short time, like getting engaged, starting a new job, and moving to a new home. Within all...
So long suburbia! Hello countryside!
After days of craving a lobster roll, I decided I was going to have one this past Monday night since Nate going to CHOPS with his boss. I started searching for restaurants that I could order for pick-up on my ride home. I couldn’t find too many...
Pumps and Pouts Updates
Hey guys! So, I wanted to catch you all up to speed with everything going on with Pumps + Pouts and more. Also, I wanted to take some time to get feedback from my readers so I can get a better understanding of what you’d like to see more...
Organizing My Space
Remember a few weeks ago when I was on a cleaning spree and organize rampage? Well I’m finally ALMOST done with everything. I had been on the hunt for ideas on my Pinterest and Trusper app on organizing tips and tricks to maximize my space. Just a...